The coach approach believes the client is whole, resourceful and knows instinctively the answers to their wellbeing challenges. Using foundational coaching skills to bridge the gap between knowing and doing, we help clients and organisations achieve sustainable behaviour change.
Our coaches embody the coaching mindset which means we meet the client where they are at with curiosity and non-judgement. Research proves employee performance and productivity at work is underpinned by their level of wellbeing.
In our corporate programmes we work with leaders and their employees to help them make sustained and profound positive changes to their general health and mental wellbeing.
With Recalibrate your business can achieve enhanced human performance, your teams can function more cohesively and your output can increase significantly. And, because our programmes include the most up to date professional health coaching practices, lifestyle medicine knowledge, and real-time wearable data, you’re providing your team with the latest in world class employee wellness programmes.
“We believe when life works, work works,” – Emily Cardmon, Talent Activation, and Development, Lululemon. Global Wellness Institute White Paper March 2023.